The show consists of two halves; the first (around 65 minutes) is dedicated almost solely to the music of the Everly Brothers and primarily features two brothers (Clint and Stan Rogers). In the second half (around 85 minutes) we expand from two to a four piece band and, in addition to more Everlys numbers, we recreate other magical sounds from the sixties including songs from Elvis Presley, Monkees, Shadows, Dusty Springfield, Beach Boys, Cilla Black, Neil Diamond, Buddy Holly and many more.
The show is not just a collection of songs and is really all about nostalgia and reminiscing. It is presented in a lighthearted way. There are many amusing anecdotes and even a short sixties quiz!
We are primarily a cabaret act (not a dance band) but the last 30 minutes or so is more up-tempo and some do dance. When considering booking this act please bear in mind that our music is firmly based in the 1960’s and we do not stray beyond this era. This may not be suitable for a younger audience although all of the songs are “classics” and will be known by practically everyone.
We have been performing for around eight years and in that time we have sold out at practically every venue we have performed (including three sell-out performances at Taunton Brewhouse Theatre). Such is the enduring popularity of the Everly Brothers and the 1960’s in general.